The Immorality Of Our Politicians and Leaders Promotes Lawlessness.

By George McFatridge

You can enact all the laws you want to and still be unable to legislate people’s morals. Gun control only works when Honest law-abiding citizens respect the laws.

  1. Criminals do not obey laws. They thumb their noses at the legislators and the people.
  2. You can write all the laws you want; you will still be unable to prevent  people from killing people.
  3. The highest number of people killed is not due to gun violence. If you take time to review  the FBI statistical data Killings by gun are among the Lowest.
  4. I have yet to see an NRA member Kill someone on the streets or in anger. They are Gun safety
  5. When Our legislators ignore the rule of law and violate not only their oath of office, but violate the constitution and the Civil Rights of the People, why do you expect the people to obey the law?
  6. Enacting more gun control laws won’t stop the killings.

I have found that the leaders of this nation have set the tone of lawlessness, by their own lack of morality.

Why the Church Shoots its Wounded

by ANDY WOOD on MARCH 13, 2013


A few years ago I was having coffee with an old friend and colleague.  I was in a pretty wounded state at the time, and felt compelled to tell him my story.  He was compassionate, listened attentively, then asked, “How can I help?”

I was thinking about visiting your church,” I said, “and just wanted you to know.”

“Well, I’ll be honest with you,” he replied. “We’re not much of a healing place.”

Wow.  There it was.  Translation:  We’re more interested in fresh blood than spilled blood.  But to be fair, his church was and is true to its mission as they perceive it.  And at least he was kind enough to be honest.

For years I have heard the old saying, “The Christian army is the only army in the world that shoots its wounded.”  Let me say right up front, that’s not accurate.  If you really believe that, you’ve never been in a corporate “army” or a political one.  The wounded get eliminated there all the time.

But the church is supposed to be different, right?  We’re supposed to be trophies of grace, havens of love, lighthouses of hope and (make your own cliché here: [blank] of [blank]).  So, what’s up with that right foot of fellowship?

Defining “Its Own Wounded”

I guess we need to be on the same page here.  Sometimes we use the word “wounded” to mean somebody who has been a victim of the sins of others.  The good news here is that the church has a history of being more compassionate in those circumstances, at least for the most part.

“Wounded” in this case means someone who has been exposed to the enemy (the devil) and somehow has been defeated.  In simplest terms, that usually means they’ve failed somehow.  Little or big.  Private or public.  Wounded means you messed around and got yourself shot, and there’s nobody to blame but you.

But to be even more precise, this saying refers to its own wounded.  We love to take in the world’s wounded or the devil’s wounded.  We believe we have answers for that.

God’s wounded?  That’s another story.  And here are 9 reasons why:

1.  It saves time and money.

I know that sounds crass and selfish, and I’ve never actually heard somebody say that.  But let’s be honest.  It’s a whole lot cheaper and quicker to read The Four Spiritual Laws to 20 people and get them in the front door than it is to do the dirty work of restoration and healing of one.  Healing and restoration take time, and even in church world, time is money.  With limited resources (money), we have to do the most good for the biggest number of people.  I know what Jesus said about leaving the 99 and going after the one lost sheep, but Jesus didn’t have to deal with the competition down the street.

2.  It makes the gospel harder to sell to the community.

Every time there’s another scandal or another embarrassment to the fellowship, it makes it that much harder to say to a lost and dying world, “Give your heart to Jesus and you can go to heaven when you die and be just like us until you get there.”  Who wants to be like us when “us” is being a bad example?

After all, the gospel is only as big as the vehicle that carries it.  Right?

3.  Sometimes they have to pick sides.

This one’s awkward.  Sometimes the wounds spread and involve others in the fellowship.  Maybe a marriage gone sour or a business deal gone bad.  And it isn’t fair to the congregation to have to choose who’s right or who to side with.  But choose they will if they have to.  (Hint:  They don’t always choose the “victim.”)

I know Jesus prayed for unity and all that.  But in the real world sometimes we have to choose the greater good.

4.  They’re hurt.

Remember, the church isn’t a thing – it’s people.  And even (self) righteous people get their feelings hurt by the failures of others.  It hurts to feel betrayed, or embarrassed, or disappointed.  I know that Jesus talked about forgiving seventy-times-seven times, but these feelings are real.

5.  Pride

Paul said to the Galatians, “Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted” (Galatians 6:1).

Well, we looked to ourselves, and we would never be tempted to do what they did.  That would never happen to us.  And we don’t want to be guilty by association, either.  We have an image to uphold.

6.  Desire

Very few Christians get up on Sunday or Monday mornings hoping they can ignore, hurt, or reject another believer.  But what they do want is a simple, easy life, with a relationship with God and His people that makes their lives even more simple and easy.  They want answers to their questions, relief for their pain, and inspiration for their day.  They don’t want their lives made more complicated by messed up saints.  Anyway, isn’t that what professional help is for?

7.  Fear

I used to have a dog named Eeyore.  Like any dog he had his funny side and his barking side.  I noticed something one day about him during one of his barking fits.  He wasn’t barking because he was angry or threatening.  He was barking because he was terrified.  And he was trying to sound tough to keep the perceived threat away.

And that’s exactly why the Church sometimes “barks” at its wounded.  The truth is, we’re scared.  Scared to say the wrong thing.  Scared of doing nothing at all.  Scared mostly of being scared.  So we bark instead.

8.  They confuse forgiveness with approval.

Once I was part of a church that gave a baby shower for an unwed pregnant teen.  Not everybody was pleased.  One lady needed to vent, and I got to hear it.  “What kind of message does this send?”  I just listened as she went on about back in her day and all that, but my thought was, “I don’t know… but is a baby shower the place to pick that fight?”

The church has always had an awkward relationship with forgiveness because treating someone as if they had never sinned seems to be approving of the sin itself.  I know that Jesus prayed for sinners while He was dying for their sin but come on!  Where do you draw the line?

9.  They’re just as disconnected with God as the wounded soldier.

And they just don’t know how to say it.

Now… I need to tell you that I am who I am today in large part because of men and women in the Body of Christ who weren’t part of the cliché.  Throughout my lifetime, they have walked in when the world (and church) walked out.  They have shown me grace, held me accountable, and spoken truth into my life.  They served me and let me serve them.  They loved me unconditionally.  And in the next post I’ll tell you what they did – and what they risked – to get this wounded soldier to a place of healing.

Being A Christian:  A way of life.

George McFatridge

How do you know what to pray for?  If you don’t know the promises that God has made His children, how can you know what to ask Our Father?  How can you respond to someone when they ask about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ if you don’t know Him?

One of the best ways to get to know our Lord Jesus Christ is to study the Word of God.  Read your Bible.   READ THE WORD ALOUD so that you can HEAR what you are saying.  Romans 10:17

From Genesis to Revelations you will see the very nature of our Savior and Our Father.  You will see the depth of His Love for you.  You will investigate the very heart of His desire for our lives.

You will begin to see the path that the Lord has designed for you to follow.  He will guide you through each step of your day, if you will just listen with your heart.

But to do that you must also feed your spirit with the Word of God daily.  Stop and think about that.

Compare your body with your spirit.  Feed your body the way that you feed your spirit.  Could you survive?  Probably not.   You normally eat three meals a day and several snacks in between.  Some of us tend to be overweight.  However, spiritually we are very weak.

We give our lives to the Lord and then we only visit with Him when we need something or when things get so bad that we don’t know what else to do.   We spend time with Him only on Christmas or Easter.  Sometimes we spend every Sunday with Him just to show the people around us that we are good Christians.

Being a Christian is not a religion, it is a way of life.  When you commit yourself to a way of life that is a very serious commitment.  It is a complete change in lifestyle.  Committing yourself to following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ daily.  This kind of commitment does not take place overnight.  It is a constant day to day walk, reading the Word and applying it to your life.  It is not easy to put aside all your life that you have lived so far, to follow Jesus.  But each day that you walk with Jesus Christ brings you closer and closer to Him in a more personal way.

It is written: “Draw close to God and He will draw close to you.  Cleanse your hands, you sinner; and purify your hearts, you double minded.  Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep:  let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.”  James 4:8-10 

Are you ready to walk the walk?   The only thing that is stopping you is yourself.

We Are The Nation of God

We the people of these United States of America need to address the challenge to maintain our heritage as a Republic. Our nation was established so that we could freely worship as we believe, have the freedom to speak our beliefs and opinions without fear.

We separated ourselves from the monarchy, dictatorships and oppressive tyranny.

Now we are being forced to fight that tyranny again.

The only one that we can truly trust is Almighty God the Father who established this nation Just as he established Israel and his Children. We who are his children need to remember that he has never lied to us and that he always is with us.

So please join me and pray to the Lord, seek him with all our heart and soul.

Respect and Ownership 

It is no surprise that the People rioting and looting and screaming that they deserve our respect. Yet I have news for them. 

No matter how long that you pay for your house when you die it either goes to the Children or relatives who must continue to pay the taxes on it. 

Killing a child just because he used your driveway or lawn to turn around is wrong. A five-year-old child doesn’t know better and shooting him point blank in the head is murder. Also, randomly killing a child in stroller and then a Congresswoman excusing it because the individual was looking for bread, is horrible. What is worse is the Congresswoman excusing the murder of the baby.

Dr. Martin Luther King taught us that we could protest without destroying property or people. He showed us how to accomplish peaceful protest.  When you throw the first rock you are no longer a protester you have now become a terrorist, and when you assault the first person, you have now committed the crime of assault and you have voided (Canceled out) the reason you were protesting. If you want respect and the ear of the public, then you must respect the life and property of your neighbors. When you begin to hurt people and destroy property you will not gain their respect. 

For those illegal aliens who broke the law, and the Sanctuary City that also broke the law.  You have no legal status because of your illegal crossing of the border you are a criminal committing criminal trespass and subject to deportation. You are not even eligible for asylum. 

Wherever we have an Embassy there are consulates throughout that country at the Major ports and port of entry where you can start the process of immigration or apply for asylum.   

The legal entry into this nation is not only for our protection, it also protects you when you come to move to our nation. Whether you are just visiting or applying for a green card, you should follow the rules and procedures laid out by the laws. Then you can be processed more quickly and be on your way for your visit or your new country. 

Breaking the law creates problems for you and your family. It begins the process of deportation and labels you as a criminal. 

Welcome to the Group Home, Your New Family.

Living in a group home, you need to adjust to the environment and the people around you. You have chosen to live in a group and home and should understand that is your home now.

That means if you are able to you need to help keep the common areas clean and organized. When you finish your meal it is your responsibility to clean up after yourself and return the kitchen to the way you found it.

You also need to purchase your own Hygiene products, such as; toilet paper, towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap and help clean up the bathroom before you leave it.

By the same thought, help with the chores, such as take a turn taking out the trash, sweeping and mopping the floor. If Everyone pitches in, we can keep the house clean and somewhat bug free.

Also be considerate of the other people in the house and remember no smoking in the house.

I don’t know who it is that is throwing away good food just because they don’t like it. When you are gifted the food from the Ministries or the food bank and you won’t eat certain types of food, don’t throw it away, put into the house pantry so that others who like it will have something to eat. Throwing away good food is wasting resources that help feed everyone. We have been sharing our overflow from the ministries with the other houses in our group.

Another thought is to cook only what you can eat. If you have leftovers try to remember them. If they sit in the fridge for more than a week and are growing mold or bacteria and start to smell bad we will remove them. So, remember your leftovers. letting them die in the fridge is also wasting food.,

We still have someone taking food that they did not buy. If it is not yours don’t take it without asking the person who owns it first. We have a house pantry that has food to eat. Please respect the property of others. We are all on a budget and food stamps. Most of us will help out when needed, remember not to abuse them.

If you can afford cigarettes and tobacco products, you need to plan for food. Prioritize your money, you need to buy your own food.

When you join a group home you become a member of that “family” so be considerate of the people you live with.




About Me


Important to know, if I have not met you face to face, had a personal one on one conversation with you I will not automatically send a friend request to anyone.

First you must understand what friendship is about. The Friends I have are close and we share the Word of God, and we are family. So, we are more than friends.

I find that in my advanced age I am not able to travel very far alone, and transport for me is expensive when it is for personal use. I get free transportation only when it is for medical appointments. I have to pay for everything else because of my wheelchair. It won’t fit in any of the cars, and it is heavy. It takes at least 3 people to lift it.

I communicate with my Friends and Family with Chat programs and texting. I go to church via live feed on the internet, and Bible study I attend several classes via Zoom. All these people I have been to church with, out to coffee and a meal, and have had one on one conversations with.

So I am reluctant to add friends too easily.

Please do not be offended, it is hard to keep track of so many things. So I keep things simple and small.

I have friends and family all over the world, in Israel, the UK, Africa, Japan, Guam, Australia, Canada, Alaska, China, Taiwan, Korea, Marshall Islands, Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Malayasia, Spain, Brazill, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Lebanon, Argentina, France, Holland, Sweden and Switzerland. And many in the U.S. So, you see I have met and spent time with all these people most are Family and very close friends.

Hopefully we will meet one day.


l. Freedom of Speech: The First Amendment protects our
right to express our opinions, beliefs, and ideas without
government censorship. This freedom is essential for a
functioning democracy and open discourse.

  1. Freedom of Religion: The First Amendment also guarantees
    the right to practice any religion, or none at all, without
    government interference. This ensures religious diversity and
    the separation of church and state.
  2. Freedom of the Press: A free press is vital for holding those
    in power accountable. The First Amendment safeguards the
    right of journalists and media organizations to report news and
    express opinions without government censorship.
  3. Freedom to Peaceably Assemble: We have the right to
    gather with others for peaceful protests, demonstrations, or
    meetings to express our grievances or advocate for change. This
    right helps to promote social and political movements.
  4. Freedom to Petition the Government: Citizens have the
    right to petition the government for redress of grievances. “Ihis
    means we can address our concerns to government officials and
    seek changes in policies or laws.

These are your rights and no one has the right to deny you any of them.

The Corrupt Biden Administration And All (The Shadow Government) Support Him Should be Tried For Treason.

It is my humble opinion that the entire Biden Administration, the Shadow Government, The Bush Family, Obama Family, Soros Family, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg should all be tried for treason.


If I offend you with my Patriotism so be it. The only True defender of the People of this Nation is Donald Trump. He doesn’t want our Money, nor does he need it. He has answered the Call, to bring us back to where we belong. He did not have to answer that CALL.

Throughout Biden’s entire career he has lied, stole and abused the people of this nation. Without fail he has refused to represent the people who elected him to office. Everything that he has done has been to enrich his family at the expense of the people of this nation.

It is not just Biden and the Democrat Party. The sitting Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee McDaniel, who was elected as chairwoman in 2017, was paid $122,582 in her first year but made $358,431 from January 2022 through November 2022, according to Federal Election Commission data. The highest yearly salary she received from the RNC was $410,640, which she got paid in 2020.Jan 26, 2023

Yet the RNC has done nothing to improve the quality of leadership in Congress. She like the politicians has made a career out of stealing from the voters and taxpayers.

The Political Parties have gotten worse than organized crime. At least the Mob Boss always protected the people in his care. And they made money for the family and community.

We have CZARs who are nothing but a waste of money and time. The Climate CZARs, Al Gore and John Kerry are the biggest jokes of the century. God controls the Shields of the Earth Man can only seek God for control of the Shields of the Earth.

Man has continued to destroy the forests and Rain forests. They are most essential to the Air we breathe, They Plants take in Carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen, through the photosynthesis of the plants. The plants are natural filters of the earth. Man cannot live without the plants, however, the plants would survive without Man.

Farms produce food, in the form of plants, and they contribute nutrients to the earth to help with the cycle of life.

People like Al Gore, John Kerry, Bill Gates, Soros Family, Zuckerberg, King Charles and most of the Royals, Marcon of France are trying to cut Carbon emissions, and the Carbon they most desire to get rid of is everyone who is not rich.

Billionaires, like Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Soros Family, The Royals of England, Mark Zuckerberg, And Dwayne the Rock Johnson have lost their selves in their wealth. They have lost touch with their Souls. Like the Politicians lust for power. money and their selfishness has turned them into lost people worse than the Walking Dead.

Matthew 6:33-34Amplified Bible

33 But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.

34 “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

When you go to heaven you will not need to carry anything with you for the Lord has provided everything you need when you go home to be with him. He is preparing a place for you.

Take time every day at least 3 times a day to read some Scripture for at least 5minutes. You will be greatly blessed.

2 Chronicles 7:14Amplified Bible

14 and My people, who are called by My Name, humble themselves, and pray and seek (crave, require as a necessity) My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear [them] from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land.

Department of Education (Bureau of Propaganda) Should be Abolished

We spend far too much money hiring these supposed educators who do nothing to encourage and teach. They spew the propaganda of the government instead of teaching children how to think for themselves.

Parents you need to step up and teach your children how to think and question all programs that come their way. What am I being taught, why am I being taught this, and how does it apply to life? These are some of the basic questions that need to be answered. Any child can learn when you stimulate their interest.

I had a history teacher who had us act out the history of the civil War, and the history of this nation. We learned a lot from him. My Civics teacher had us form a house of Representatives and a Senate, and learn how laws were made, how to debate, research and present our case. We learned because we enjoyed the challenge of learning how to be Representatives and Senators, being able vicariously experience a moment in the lives of our nation during its growth and development. We learned and it was stimulating to research the History of those events. Our minds were challenged and we were able to glimpse that moment of history.

Where is that today? It has gone to teaching us how to report our parents for their Ideology, and when they disagree with the government much the way the Nazi youth did in Germany. Our Schools are dividing and separating families instead of teaching Moral values, and truth.

Truth is no longer in the School they took that out with Prayer and God. They also stopped the Pledge of allegiance in most schools. Patriotism is not allowed. You are punished for being a patriot.

It is time we took back our Schools and threw out the communists and their programs of indoctrination.

Today our Department of Education is no longer about Education, it is all about indoctrination with the Marxist, Communist Ideology similar to the Nazi Youth groups of World War II. They teach you the communist manifesto instead of truth.

Let us take back our Schools and tell the government to stop interfering with our Families.